Device Description HG G-193x0-B | English, Revision 02 | Date: 07.05.2018
Chapter 4 – Commissioning
The inductive guidance sensor is pre-configured for a reading height of 60 mm and the fre-
quencies ordered by the customer. Thus it can theoretically be used without an explicit
The configuration has to be changed if the CAN bus version HG G-193x0ZB is used or an
incremental encoder is to be connected. The Profinet interface of version HG G-193x0YB
does not have to be configured.
The CAN parameters have to be changed if — as is done in many applications — two guid-
ance sensors are mounted to one vehicle. Then the sensors need different Node IDs. Thus
at least one of the sensors has to have a different Node ID assigned.
For the commissioning configuration the USB interface is used. Connect it to your PC as de-
scribed in section 6.2 on page 19. Start a compatible terminal program on the PC and open
the guidance sensor‘s service program in it (section 6.4 on page 20). With the service pro-
gram you can e.g. alter the following settings.
Depending on the application and the version the following settings may need to be
The six frequencies (they are pre-set according to what the customer ordered)
The gain and the thresholds (the sensor is pre-configured to a reading height of
60 mm, for the adaption to higher reading distances these can be changed)
CAN-BUS Node ID (if two inductive guidance sensors are used on the same vehicle
they need to have different Node IDs, so at least one of them need to be re-config-
CAN-BUS Baudrate (for adapting the CAN bus speed used in the vehicle)
Incremental encoder mode (if an incremental encoder is to be connected)