Edited in Germany • Subject to change without notice • PDF version available on the Internet
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Südwestpark 15
D-90449 Nuremberg •
Phone: +49 911 8602-111
+49 911 8602-777
e-mail: [email protected]
Repair and Replacement Parts Service
Calibration Center* and Rental
Instrument Service
If required please contact:
GMC-I Service GmbH
Service Center
Thomas-Mann-Str. 16-20
90471 Nürnberg • Germany
Phone +49 911 817718-0
Fax +49
This address is only valid in Germany. Please contact our repre-
sentatives or subsidiaries for service in other countries.
for Electrical Quantities
DKD–K–19701 accredited per DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Accredited measured quantities: direct voltage, direct current values, DC
resistance, alternating voltage, alternating current values, AC active power, AC
apparent power, DC power, capacitance, frequency and temperature
Competent Partner
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH is certified in accordance with
DIN EN ISO 9001:2008.
Our DKD calibration laboratory is accredited by the Deutscher
Kalibrierdienst (German Calibration Service) in accordance with
DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 under registration number DKD–K–
We offer a complete range of expertise in the field of metrology:
test reports
proprietary calibration certificates
right on up to
DKD calibration certificates
Our spectrum of offerings is rounded out with free test equipment
An on-site
DKD calibration station
is an integral part of our service
department. If errors are discovered during calibration, our
specialized personnel are capable of completing repairs using
original replacement parts.
As a full service calibration laboratory, we can calibrate
instruments from other manufacturers as well.
The respective measuring task and the stress to which your mea-
suring instrument is subjected affect the ageing of the compo-
nents and may result in deviations from the guaranteed accuracy.
If high measuring accuracy is required and the instrument is fre-
quently used in field applications, combined with transport stress
and great temperature fluctuations, we recommend a relatively
short calibration interval of 1 year. If your measuring instrument is
mainly used in the laboratory and indoors without being exposed
to any major climatic or mechanical stress, a calibration interval of
2-3 years is usually sufficient.
During recalibration* in an accredited calibration laboratory
(DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025) the deviations of your instrument in rela-
tion to traceable standards are measured and documented. The
deviations determined in the process are used for correction of
the readings during subsequent application.
We are pleased to perform DKD or factory calibrations for you in
our calibration laboratory. Please visit our website at
www.gossenmetrawatt.com (
DKD Calibration
Calibration questions and answers).
By having your measuring instrument calibrated regularly, you ful-
fill the requirements of a quality management system per
DIN EN ISO 9001.
* Verification of specifications or adjustment services are not part of the calibration.
For products from our factory, however, any necessary adjustment is frequently
performed and the observance of the relevant specification is confirmed.
Product Support
If required please contact:
GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH
Product Support Hotline
+49 911 8602-0
Fax +49