ExtERnaL SYncHROnIzatIOn
The Radio Timing GTC may be equipped with 4 types of synchronization:
TDF or DCF radio synchronization
GPS synchronization by satellites
Synchronization via AFNOR NFS 87500 wired link
Synchronization via ASCII code
tDF radio synchronization (not available from 01/2017) (Input signal)
The Radio Timing GTC may be equipped with the reference 3F1 antenna (see note)
DcF radio synchronization (Input signal)
The Radio Timing GTC may be equipped with the reference 3D6 antenna (see note)
GPS synchronization by satellites (Input signal)
The Radio Timing GTC may be equipped with the reference 3G1 antenna (see note)
Note: To place your antenna and configure the time offset, please refer to the instructions in
«MDE-ANTENNES-0085» available on: CDG020/021 or on the Gorgy Timing website www.
gorgy-timing.co.uk / documentation / Masterclocks / user manual / Synchronization antenna.
Synchronization via aFnOR nFS 87500 timecode (Input signal)
Input impedance 3,5KOhms
Minimum level 70 mVcc
IRIG B / AFNOR NFS 87500-compatible input.
Updated upon receipt of 3 seconds of coherent code.
OPtIOn: InPUt OR OUtPUt aScII RS 232/ RS422-485
The Radio Timing GTC can be equipped optionally with 1 RS 232 or RS 422-485 input
or be equipped with 2 RS232 outputs or one RS422-485 output.
Unidirectional mode - «UnI» position
In this mode, the time base sends or receives the following message at the start of
each second:
STX Day of the week SP day of the month / month / year SP SP Hour: Minute:
Second CR
e.g.: MAR 02/01/01 10:52:25 - Total: 24 characters.
Bidirectional mode
- «Bi» position
In this mode, the ASCII timecode message is sent upon receipt of the character «D»
on the data receipt line.
The time base then sends the following message:
STX hundredths of a second SP day of the week SP day of the month / month / year SP SP Hour: Minute: Second CR
e.g.: 76 MAR 16:03:96 10:52:25 - Total: 27 characters.