Power supply
230V AC +15% -15% / 50-60Hz.or 115V
Power consumption 45 VA.
Power supply fitted with mains filter and fuse.
LCD display of 80 characters (4 rows)
Character height 3,5 mm.
time base
CMOS-technology 80C51 low-power microcontroller.
Quartz 32,768 KHz with a drift of 0.1 sec in 24 hrs between 20° C and 30° C.
time keeping by quartz time base > 10 years, provided by a lithium battery.
Programming unit
3 independent relays, voltage-free output, breaking capacity 250 volts 10 A.
1 pre-wired 230-volt output relay,10A breaking capacity.
128 program steps for each relay.
Relays are programmable in on-off mode or in timeout mode
(From 1 up to 59 seconds).
Daily and annual programming for holidays and public holidays.
128 days available for holidays.
Program backup via lithium battery > 10 years.
time pulse distribution
The Radio Timing GTC exists in two pulse distribution versions.
One-minute version, parallel, 24V inverted 1A, pulse duration 1 second, protection
against short-circuits.
Half-minute version, serial, inverted, on-line current adjustable via potentiometer
(40-140mA), available voltage 48 volts, open-line detection.
Backup in case of main failure achieved via pulse state memorization
by lithium battery > 10 years.
aFnOR nFS 87500 time code distribution
The Radio Timing GTC may optionally be equipped with an AFNOR NFS 87500 time-
code output, carrier frequency 1Khz.
Galvanic insulation by transformer. Output level 2.2 Vcc. Output impedance 10 Ohms
Ability to drive 50-250 clocks via 5/10th bifilar link.
aScII code distribution (refer to option: InPUt or OUtPUt aScII RS 232/ RS422-485)