Next to the 10 footswitches, you can also assign a preset, effect or trigger to 2 virtual “tip switches”
and “heel switches”, one for each expression pedal. An optional but very powerful feature. You might
have seen professional expression pedals which have a footswitch mounted underneath. The pedals
behave like regular volume or expression pedals, but when pushing all the way down you can also
engage the underlying switch in order to trigger some change. Those pedals typically require 2 separate
jack cables running to your gear. With the TinyBox you can obtain this same behavior with the regular
FCB1010 expression pedals!
Once you assign a preset or effect to “virtual tip switch 1”, you can trigger that preset by pushing
expression pedal 1 all the way down. You could for instance link an effect to the tip switch which
toggles the expression pedal behavior between 2 functions. No need to sacrifice a separate footswitch
to change pedal behavior, you can do it with the pedal itself!
Similarly a “virtual heel switch” can be defined. This one is triggered by moving the expression pedal
all the way up (heel-down). Functionality which probably doesn’t even exist with “real” footswitches.
A great example of how to make use of this feature is the following setup fragment, which
automatically activates the tuner as soon as you turn the volume of your guitar down to 0 :
Pedal 1 = volume
Heelswitch 1 = Tuner
TRIGGER_CLICK Tuner = SendMidi Eventide CtrlChange 99 127
TRIGGER_RELEASE Tuner = SendMidi Eventide CtrlChange 99 0
Remark :
When specifying a tip or heel switch, the TinyBox will automatically introduce a small “dead zone” in
the pedal range, so that you can use the full adjustment range of the pedal withouth automatically
triggering the tip (or heel) switch. In this case it is very helpful to add some resistance to the pedal at a
point between full adjustment range and switch engagement. This can be done by sticking a piece of
foam underneath the pedal, or even by mounting a real (unconnected) footswitch.