Font Size setting, accessing, 5, 17
front controls, 3
front-facing camera, 3
Albums view, 206
displaying photos in, 206
gestures, multitouch, 9–10
gift cards, using in Google Play store, 167
Gmail email app
Account settings, 162
archiving conversations, 156
attachments, 157
Bcc recipients, 160
bulk operations on conversations, 158
composing messages, 153
deleting conversations, 156
fetching mail, 153
forwarding messages, 159
Inbox, 153
message icons, 154
messages in Inbox, 153
opening, 152
Priority Inbox, 154
reading conversations, 155
reading mail, 155–156
reading messages, 153
removing attachments, 160
removing conversations, 156
removing recipients, 159
replying to messages, 159
returning to previous screen, 153
searching messages, 153–154
selecting conversations, 153
sending messages, 159–160
switching accounts, 153
toggling notifications, 155
viewing conversations, 154
viewing unread messages, 153
writing messages, 159–160
Gmail settings
Auto-Advance, 161
changing, 161–163
Clear Search History, 161
Confirm Before Archiving, 161
Confirm Before Deleting, 161
Confirm Before Sending, 161
Days of Mail to Sync, 162
Download Attachments, 162
Email Notifications, 162
Gmail Sync is ON/OFF, 162
Hide Pictures in Messages, 161
Manage Labels, 162
Message Text Size, 161
Priority Inbox, 162
Ringtone & Vibrate, 162
Signature, 162
Google Accounts
apps and services, 14
back up and sync, 14
Play store, 14
signing into, 14
Wallet, 14
Google apps, folder contained in, 24.
See also
Google Currents magazine app, 178
Google Earth, 201
Google Latitude, 203
Google Local, 202
Google Maps, using, 182–183
Google Maps Navigation, 200
Google Messenger app, 164
Google Now search app
browsing cards, 89–90
changing home location, 92
changing work location, 92
deleting location history, 94
dismissing, 90
displaying cards, 89–91
editing settings, 90
GPS, 95
location reporting, 93
location services, 95
managing cards, 89–91
turning off, 96
using, 88
Google Offers, 202
Google Play store
accessing, 166
browsing for apps, 168
changing settings for, 166
clearing search history, 168
Details screen for apps, 171
gift cards, 167
Google Wallet, 167
installing apps, 169
My Apps screen, 170
paying for purchases, 167
playing movies, 174–175
playing music, 172–173
playing TV shows, 174–175
reading books, 176–177
returning apps for refunds, 170
searching for apps, 168
sharing apps, 169
shopping in, 167