status bar, 3, 25
storage, 2, 36
store credits, using in Google Play store, 167
swipe gesture, 9
sync options, configuring, 76–77
syncing manually, 34
system information, getting, 5
Talk app, 164
tap gesture, 9
copying and pasting, 57
cutting and pasting, 57
dictating, 59–60
positioning insertion point, 58
selecting and editing, 57–59
text size, changing, 5, 17
time and date, setting, 26
touch and hold gesture, 9
Touch Sounds setting, accessing, 9
adjusting length of staying on, 7
capacitative, 10
cleaning, 35
TV shows, playing from Google Play store, 174–175
typing options
Add-On Dictionaries, 52
Auto Correction, 53
Auto-Capitalization, 52
Emoji dictionaries, 52
setting, 52–53
Show Correction Suggestions, 53
Sound on Keypress, 52
uppercase letters, entering, 48
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), 134
USB charging unit, 2
USB connection
to Mac, 81
to Windows PC, 80
USB devices, connecting, 10
video, watching on HDTV, 174
videos on YouTube
finding, 149–150
watching, 149–150
virtual private networks (VPNs), 66
voice actions, 105–106
volume, adjusting, 3, 30
wake feature, activating, 7
wallpaper, changing, 28
Web, searching with Chrome, 133
Web browser.
Chrome Web browser
Web pages
bookmarking, 139–141
creating shortcuts for, 140
find bar, 135
finding text on, 135
following links, 136
landscape mode, 135
navigating, 135–136
opening with Chrome, 133
portrait mode, 135
reloading, 136
resizing text, 135
revisiting, 135
searching within, 135
sharing, 136
stopping download, 136
widgets, 3, 20–21
adding to Home screen, 23
Recommended Apps, 21
removing from Home screen, 23
resizing, 22
Wi-Fi connections
turning off and on, 62–63
via proxy servers, 64
Wi-Fi networks
changing settings for, 64
configuring settings, 65
connecting to, 13, 63
forgetting, 64
IP address, 65
joining, 63
joining closed networks, 64
MAC address, 65
mobile hotspots, 65
Network Notification, 65
Windows PC, USB connection to, 80
wireless, 2
YouTube app
CC control, 150
changing account settings, 148
finding videos, 149–150
playback controls, 150
using, 148
watching videos, 149–150