Regulator heating type ES2000
Part No. 05 220 52 a
7 / 12
Fixing set 2
Pressure regulator
(see type label)
Art. No.
Typ VSR 0524
05 240, 01 355,
01 356 and 01 357
05 220 02
1. Dismantle the adjustment nut from
the regulator bracket
2. Slide the mounting plate
in position
and fix with the hex nut
3. Fix the heater unit
with adapter
the nozzle of the pressure regulator
behind the inlet screws.
4. Clamp the mounting plate
behind the
heater unit
5. Assemble the adjustment nut from the
regulator bracket
Fixing set 3
Pressure regulator
(see type label)
Art. No.
Typ BHK 052
05 246, 05 247,
05 256 and 05 257
05 220 03
Typ BHK 052B
05 245
1. Screw the clip
with the 2 enclosed
to the mounting plate
Click it into place on the collar in front of
the flange of the regulator housing as
shown (between the 1st and 2nd stage).
2. Slide the heater unit
with adapter
beneath the mounting plate
- seen
from the front (use "GOK" on the heater
unit for centring).