Regulator heating type ES2000
2 / 12
Part No. 05 220 52 a
The ES2000 regulator heating consists of the power supply unit and the heater unit and is
suitable for the following applications:
Attaching to pressure regulators,
Preventing icing in and on pressure regulators.
Components of the VE-2 power supply unit
All components are installed in a plastic housing.
230 V/12 V AC transformer with inbuilt fuse for the primary circuit and the necessary
On the front is an on/off switch.
The supply unit is connected to the power supply by a 2 m cable with safety plug.
Components of the HE-2/40 heater unit
All components are cast in a housing.
The heater unit is connected to the power supply unit by a 10 m cable.
The heater unit is attached to the pressure regulator that is to be heated.
There are various fixing sets that can be used to attach the heater unit, depending on the
pressure regulator type.
The ES2000 regulator heating may be used only in combination with the GOK pressure
regulators included in
"Installing fixing sets 1 to 6"
The heater unit may be operated only in combination with the power supply unit. The
power supply unit may be operated only outside potentially explosive areas.
Leaking liquid gas is extremely flammable!
Can cause explosion. Severe burns with direct contact to skin.
Check connections regularly for leaks!
In case of gas smell or leakage shut-down the installation immediately!
Keep ignition sources or electric devices out of reach!
Respect applicable laws and regulations!
The heat is generated by two PTC thermistors with current control. The power is adjusted
accordingly. For example, if heat is drawn from the pressure regulator due to a rapid fall in
temperature, the PTC thermistor immediately heats the regulator. If no heat is required, it
reduces its heat output again.