ENG - 46
Ce deClaraTiOn Of COnfOrmiTy
The manufacturer (authorised representative):
hp TrOniC ústí nad labem, spol. s r.o.
, Prštné Kútiky 637, 760 01 Zlín, Company Identifica
tion No.: 613 27 247,
hereby declares that the hereinafter described product:
Radio, including the charging station and the adapter, type:
GoGen WT 57
purpose of the use of the transmission signal from an uplink to the receiving facility in the Czech
Republic and EU countries, radiated emissions in the band 446.0 to 446.1 MHz (PMR 446), max
0.5 W, 12,5 kHz channel spacing, grade 1,
is in conformance with the provisions of the Gd no. 426/2000 Coll. that is in conformity
with the r&TTe directive 1999/5/eC concerning radio and telecommunication devices.
The following technical regulations have been applied in assessing the conformance:
Harmonised standards:
EN 60950-1:2006
ETSI EN 300 296-2 V 1.1.1 (2001-03)
ETSI EN 300 296-1 V 1.1.1 (2001-03)
ETSI EN 301 489-5 V 1.3.1 (2002-08)
ETSI EN 301 489-1 V 1.6.1 (2005-09)
EN 61558-1
The test results are provided in the Test Reports:
No. 0715513, issued by the laboratory Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd..,
No ET-R0715514 by laboratory Intertek Testing Services Hong Kong Ltd..,
No issued by laboratories TŰV Asia Pacific Ltd., Guangzhou Branch.
The conformity has been assessed according to the Annex No. 2 to GD No. 426/2000 Coll.
We declare that the product complies with the basic requirements of the above-mentioned GD,
i.e. the user safety and health protection, electromagnetic compatibility and effective utilisation
of the spectrum.
Declaration issuance date and venue: 11 May 2009, Zlín
Authorised person’s stamp:
Summary of Contents for WT57
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