EN - 52
Before starting a recording you must select the unit where the recordings will be stored, othe
rwise the process will not end correctly.
Different recording tasks can not be set at the same time.
8.2.1 one BuTTon recorDing
When the DVB-T program starts to be broadcasted, press BLUE in the remote controller to
beginning record and Press ”
” to stop the recording.
8.2.2 scheDule recorDing
You can schedule your media player to start a recording anytime you set previously
Manual Reservation Recording
Press “Blue” key to enter the Schedule mode. then press “yellow” ,”Red” ,”Green” key to add
,edit ,delete the recording task.
EPG Reservation Recording
Press EPG to show the TV programs, and choose the program you wish, then press “yellow”
,”Red” ,”Green” key to add ,edit ,delete items.
If the system recording is channel A (one button recording mode), and channel B recording
task is coming up, the system will show a dialog windows ,then you can choose to continue
recording channel A or change to channel B to start recording schedule task.
When the recording is finished the device will return to channel A.
If you are enjoying channel A program, the system will show you a dialog window when timing
up, then you can choose to cancel or change to start the schedule recording task.
The device will return to channel A after recording is finished.
If you are on multimedia playing mode, the system will show you a dialog window when timing
up, then you can choose to cancel or change to start the schedule recording task.
The device will return to main menu after recording is finished.
If you set your media player on stand by mode, it will auto wake up and start the recording
tasks and return to stand by mode after the recording is finished.
Don’t forget to close the Schedule menu to save the settings, before you start next step.
8.2.3 DeleTing of your recorDeD files from The BuilT-in hDD
To delete files from your HDD, follow these steps:
Select the file you want to delete from HDD.
Press the blue button on remote control.
The file which will be deleted is marked by
Confirm your selection by pressing button OK.