GP/146/99. Issue 9. October 2005
Using a depth micrometer, measure the clearance between the pump body
cover plate seating face and the impeller blade edge (see Fig 4-1). The depth
micrometer should read 0.23/33mm (0.009-0.013in). If the measurement is
more than this, remove the nut, washer and spacer, add shims to correct the
clearance, re-assemble and re-check. If the measurement is less, remove
shims to correct the clearance and re-check at 90° intervals. Rotate the
impeller a quarter of a turn and check again.
Fig 4-1
Checking the clearance of the high pressure impeller
Impeller clearance 0.23/0.33 (0.009”/0.013”)
©Hale Products Europe LTD, Warwick
WTmaint - Issue9. 10-2005October 2005