DO NOT USE the Urban Advantage™ until you read and
understand these instructions. Your child’s safety depends on you
reading and following these instructions.
wARnInG: neveR leAve ChIld UnAttended. AvOId
5-pOInt hARneSS.
By far, the most common injury reported for carriages and strollers
resulted when a child fell or climbed out of a stroller because the
restraint system was not being used. Please observe this safety
warning at all times and be sure to follow the instructions on how to
properly secure your child in the stroller.
wARnInG: tO AvOId InjURy, AlwAyS USe the BRAke
ACtIvAted kICkStAnd when StROlleR IS pARked.
Ensure that the combination brake & kickstand is on when loading
and unloading children. We designed the brake-activated kickstand
because we had the unfortunate experience of accidentally
knocking over a similar stroller when it was parked in our kitchen.
The brake is absolutely necessary to use when parked and the
kickstand provides added stability. Please use it whenever the
stroller is parked or you are not holding the handle.
wARnInG: tO AvOId InjURy, keep ChIld AwAy fROM
SpRInG ACtIvAted kICkStAnd.
The kickstand is spring activated and the legs spring up under
force. The motion could injury a child if spring mechanism was
activated with a child nearby. Also, a child could pinch or lacerate
their fingers if they got caught between the kickstand leg and the
stroller frame. IT IS NOT A TOY! Please keep child away from the
kickstand at all times.
wARnInG: thIS IS nOt A jOGGInG StROlleR. pOweR
wAlkInG IS Ok, BUt dO nO USe
this product while running,
jogging, in-line skating or participating in other athletic activities.