wARnInG: ChIld MAy SlIp IntO leG OpenInG And
StRAnGle. neveR USe In ReClIned pOSItIOn UnleSS fOOt
RetAIneR IS In UpRIGht pOSItIOn.
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) warns
that babies can die if they are left unattended to sleep in strollers.
They may slip feet first through the leg opening, and become
entrapped by the head between the seat and hand rest bar, or child
tray. When used in the reclined position, please be sure to re-
adjust the restraint system securely AND raise the "foot retainer" as
shown in the instructions.
wIth the pROdUCt.
wARnInG: StROlleR MAy BeCOMe UnStABle If
Any pARCel BAGS OR RACkS, nOt AppROved By the
wARnInG: StROlleR wIll BeCOMe UnStABle If the
ReCOMMended lOAd IS eXCeeded.
wARnInG: CARe MUSt Be tAken when fOldInG And
UnfOldInG the pROdUCt, tO pRevent fInGeR entRApMent.
wARnInG: Only USe StROlleR wIth A ChIld leSS thAn
40 pOUndS And leSS thAn 40" tAll.
wARnInG: StROlleR COUld tIp OveR And CAUSe InjURy
tO yOUR ChIld If the kICkStAnd IS nOt In plACe wheneveR
the StROlleR IS pARked.
- Never use stroller on stairways or escalators.
- Do not use near an open fire or exposed flame.
- To avoid burns to your child, never put hot liquids in any trays or pockets.
- The stroller is designed to roll. The wrist strap helps you keep control.
- Do not place parcels or accessory items on the stroller canopy or handle.
- Do not put more than 3 pounds (1.362kg) in the parent tray or rear pockets.
- Do not put more than 10 pounds in the bottom storage basket.
- Do not use bottom storage basket as a child carrier.