BB005x Installation and Configuration Guide
1. Go into CLI mode by using either telnet or console (see the CLI section in
Chapter 2)
2. At the ‘ ’ prompt enter the command: ‘Webserver set upnpport 1500’
3. Save the configuration and reset the router.
If Windows XP is properly configured a ‘Virata IGD’ icon will appear on My
Network Places window. Right clicking the icon and choosing
display general information like model name, manufacturer, etc.
In addition, an “Internet Gateway” icon will appear in the Network Connections
window. When disconnected, double-clicking this icon will set a connection to
the Internet through the Internet Gateway, in this case the BB005x.
Disconnecting can be done by choosing “Disconnect” from the right-click menu.
When connected, double-clicking the Internet Gateway icon will display an
Internet Gateway Status window showing the status of the device: whether it is
connected and, if so, the total number of bytes sent/received.
To add services that use NAT Transversal:
1. Click on
from the Internet Connection Status window. An
Internet Connection Properties window will open
2. Click on
An Advanced Settings window will open. The services
already configured will be shown.
3. Clicking on
keep adding services (applications) that can use NAT
transversal. Clicking on each application added, it can be observed how
the applications have automatically learned and mapped NAT external IP
address to the right port and host on the private network.