5. Device Operation
GME LinScan Revision 14, dated 2016-06-08
Page 22 of 46
5.4.2 Adjusting the treatment parameters
The middle area of the treatment menu allows adjustment of the relevant treatment parameters. Use
the slider to adjust - depending on the application - the fluence or energy density, pulse duration, and
skin cooling temperature.
If you have entered the treatment menu via an indication-based button, the pointer of each slider rep-
resents a recommended value. In addition, a light-background zone denotes a recommended parame-
ter regime for the selected indication.
For some sliders, there might be a red parameter zone that is secured with a lock. Parameters in the
red zone are potentially dangerous and might harm the patient. They should be used only for carefully
selected, specific treatments. The use of this parameter regime is not recommended by the manufac-
turer. If you still want to use these parameters, you must first unlock the red zone by touching the lock.
Only after that you can move the slider into the red zone.
The unit allows you to treat even with aggressive treat-
ment parameters that are appropriate only in special cases. If
these parameters are used for other indications, the patient may
be injured permanently or temporarily.
Only use aggressive treatment parameters with adequate
experience and for indications that do not allow more conservative
parameters. Do a test treatment on a small area to ensure that no
adverse side effects or unacceptable damage will be caused by
the treatment. Wait for the patient's response to the test treatment.
Stop treatment immediately if unwanted side effects occur.
Please note that the device generates the recommended parameter sets as a result of your entered
data and without knowledge of the actual patient history. It is your responsibility as a physician to take
into account all other patient data according to medical history, contraindications, clinical findings or
other knowledge.