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Crathco® Beverage Dispensers
1) Wash all bowl components regularly.
2) Wash impeller and bearing sleeve individually and check for
a) Check for wear on bearing sleeve (flange should be
1.77mm thick - thickness of penny or quarter). (Figure F)
b) Check for wear on impeller (inner white center section
should be flush with colored part of impeller). (Figure E)
c) If bearing sleeve or impeller do not spin freely or are worn
- replace them. (Figure I)
d) Worn parts can cause personal injury, impair cooling and
can damage machine. (Figure G & H)
3) Check valve o-rings and bowl gaskets for wear or damage -
replace every 6 months or as needed.
4) Every 6 months or more often if needed: unplug unit, remove
panels, clean condenser and interior. (Remove dust and lint
from fins with a soft brush and vacuum.)
5) For further information, visit or
call +1-502-425-4776.
Part #s for Preventative Maintenance
Part #
Bearing Sleeve (all units except D112)
Large Blue Impeller
(D & WD model)
Small Red Impeller
(E model)
Universal Impeller (all models)
Valve O-ring
Bowl Gasket - for D, WD models
5 gallon (or 3 gallon) bowl
Bowl Gasket for E model and/or 9 liter bowl
Bowl Gasket for 12 gallon SuperBowls (D112)
Bearing Sleeve for 12 gallon Super Bowl (D112)
New bearing sleeve
flange (approx. 1.77mm - thickness of
penny or quarter)
Worn bearing sleeve (replace
when worn to approx. 1mm or 1/2
thickness of penny or quarter).
Bearing sleeve and impeller
should spin freely when
held like this. If parts do not
spin freely or are worn, unit
will not cool properly and
worn parts may damage
worn flange
Bearing sleeve with flange missing
is extremely worn. Discard
CAUTION: Handle with care. Sharp
edges may cause personal injury or
damage to machine.
Figure F
Figure G
Figure H
Figure I
Universal Impeller
(Part # 3587)
Bottom of
Worn Impeller
Replace when worn.
Yellow or white area no
longer flush but indented.
Top of Impeller
Bottom of Unused Impeller
Inner center section should be
flush with exterior part
of impeller.
Figure E