German Light Products GmbH
(instruction version 1.33 / from software version 1.53)
Customized Gobos like company logos and writing do also
have a right reading assembly direction so that they are not right-left-
reversed. The readably side must in any case mounted towards the
lamp. To have here also the reflecting side at the same moment the
Gobos must be fabricated accordingly. Please instruct your Gobo
supplier accordingly.
c) Glass Gobos with a structured surface must be mounted with the
structured surface towards the lamp and the flat side towards the front
d) Color filter are already pre-mounted on the color filter holder which
guarantees the correct assembly. No further measures are necessary.
6.3.2 Changing rotating Gobos
1) The fixture is open as described above. The optical plug-in module
is taken out and opened as well.
2) Press the Gobo holder at the outer part of the wheel carefully out of the
hub. Pull it softly out of the central spring-holder jig.
3) Now the Gobo itself can be exchanged inside the Gobo holder if
desired. Remove the centric spring with a small screwdriver or a
gripping pliers. Change the Gobo and put the spring in again. But, it is
much more comfortable if the complete Gobo holder is exchanged.
Gobo holder are available as accessories.