This boiler is for use on
Natural Gas (G20)
as distributed in the
United Kingdom and Ireland and cannot be used on any other
gas. This boiler must be installed by a
competent person
This boiler can be used on an open vented or sealed water
When used on an open vented system domestic hot water can
only be provided by pumped circulation to the indirect cylinder.
Wherever possible, all materials, appliances and components
used shall comply with the requirements of applicable British
Where no British Standard exists, materials and equipment
should be fit for their purpose and of suitable quality and
Sealed Components
Under no circumstances must the User interfere with or adjust
sealed parts.
Sheet Metal Parts
When installing or servicing this boiler care should
be taken when handling sheet metal parts, to avoid any possibility
of personal injury.
1.1 Statutory Requirements
In GB the installation of the boiler must be carried out by a
competent person
as described in the following regulations:
The manufacturer’s instructions supplied.
The Gas Safety (Installation and Use) Regulations.
The appropriate Buildings Regulations either The Building
Regulations, The Building Regulations (Scotland),The Building
Regulations (Northern Ireland).
The Water Fittings Regulations or Water byelaws in Scotland.
The Health and Safety at Work Act, Control of Substances
Hazardous to Health (COSHH).
The Current I.E.E. Wiring Regulations.
Where no specific instructions are given, reference should be
made to the relevant British Standard Code of Practice.
In IE, the installation must be carried out by a
and installed in accordance with the current edition of
I.S.813 "Domestic Gas Installations", the current Building
Regulations and reference should be made to the current ETCI
rules for Electrical Installation.
In GB the following Codes of Practice apply:
BS4814, BS6798, BS5440 Part 1 and 2, BS5546 Part 1,
BS5449, BS6891, BS6700, BS7074 Part 1 and 2, BS7593,
In IE: I.S.813, BS5546, BS 5449, BS 7074, BS 7593.
Manufacturer’s instructions must not be taken as overriding
statutory requirements.
For further information, see the current issue of the
Building Regulations, approved document L1 ( in the UK) and
the references:
1) GIL 59, 2000: Central heating system specification (CheSS)
2) GPG 302, 2001: Controls for domestic central heating
system and hot water. BRECSU.
1.2 Data
See Table 1
All dimensions are given in millimetres (except as noted).
The Seasonal Efficiency Domestic Boilers UK (SEDBUK) is
(100) 79, (120) 78.1.
The value is used in the UK Government’s Standard Assessment
Procedure (SAP) for energy rating of dwellings. The test data
from which it has been calculated have been certified by B.S.I.
1.3 Range Rating
This boiler is range rated and may be adjusted to suit individual
system requirements.
Diagram 1.2 gives the ratings and settings.
1.4 Testing and Certification
This boiler is tested and certificated for safety and performance.
It is, therefore, important that no alteration is made to the boiler
unless approved, in writing, by Glow-worm.
Any alteration not approved by Glow-worm, could invalidate the
certification, boiler warranty and could also infringe the statutory
1.5 Gas Supply
The gas installation shall be in accordance with the relevant
In GB this is BS6891.
In IE this is the current edition of I.S.813 "Domestic Gas
The supply from the governed meter must be of adequate size
to provide a steady inlet working pressure of 20mbar (8in wg) at
the boiler.
On completion test the gas installation for soundness using the
pressure drop method and suitable leak detection fluid, purge
in accordance with the above standard.
1.6 Electrical Supply
This boiler must be earthed.
All system components shall be of an approved type and shall
comply with and be connected in accordance with the current
issue of BS7671 and any applicable local regulations.
External wiring must be correctly earthed, polarised and in
accordance with the relevant standards.
In GB this is BS 6891.
In IE this is the current edition of I.S.813 "Domestic Gas
Connection of the boiler and system controls to the mains
supply must be through a common isolator and must be fused
3A, maximum. This method of connection must be by a fused
double pole isolating switch with a minimum contact separation
of 3mm on both poles. The switch should be readily accessible
and preferably adjacent to the appliance. It should supply the
appliance only and be easilyidentifiable as so doing.
Alternatively, an unswitched shuttered socket outlet and 3A
fused 3 pin plug both to the current issue of BS1363 may be
used, provided that they are not used in a room containing a
bath or shower.
Wiring to the boiler must be PVC insulated type to the current
issue of BS6500 Table 16.
1 General