7. Rotor Preparation
• Do not overload samples into the centrifuge as this will cause leaking.
• Do not exceed the actual capacity allowed in this user manual.
7.1 Inspect the Rotor
Check the rotor for corrosion or scratches before using.
• If any abnormality such as corrosion or scratches are found, stop using the rotor and contact Globe Scientific.
• Only Globe Scientific rotors may be used with the centrifuge.
7.2 Symmetrically Load Tubes Into Rotor
IMPORTANT: The rotor should always be loaded in a balanced manner to avoid personal injury and to ensure
centrifuge longevity.
• When any tube is loaded, a tube of the same type, volume and weight must be added in the opposite rotor location.
• Never intentionally run the centrifuge in an unbalanced condition even if operation is not affected.
• Make sure the rotor and shaft are tightened. Otherwise, the rotor may come apart while operating and cause
damage to the centrifuge and rotor.
• Firmly tighen the rotor lid to the rotor.