Document SM-DMX2.100
Copyright © 20
Global Special Effects
Created 1
Snow Machine Switch Settings
Address for machine while under DMX Control (all other functions disabled)
(See below for DMX Channel Control Information)
600’s Mode
Repeat Cycle Timer Stand-Alone Mode(five minute Timer)
First digit set to “6”
The second digit controls the percentage of time on in five minutes (10%-90%)
The third digit controls the flake size (0-9)
700’s Mode
Repeat Cycle Timer Stand-Alone Mode(fifteen-minute timer)
First digit set to “7”
The Second Digit controls the percentage of time on in fifteen minutes (10%-90%)
The Third Digit controls the flake size (0-9)
800’s Mode
Stand-Alone Operation Continuous (ON)
First digit set to “8”
800-899 controls the flake size and amount of snow
900’s Mode
Hard Wired for Remote Controller
First Digit set to “9”
All other switches disabled
Control Format for all DMX Snow Machines
DMX starting address is manually programmed via thumb dial switches. Valid starting addresses are 001-512. The
Snow Machines utilize four channels.
The first channel has four settings:
Snow Machine is "off"
64-127 Allows for a 0 to 5 minute cycle time based on the settings of the 2nd channel
(This setting turns on the short internal timer circuit)
128-191 Allows for a 0 to 15 minute cycle time based on the settings of the 2nd channel
(This setting turn on the long internal timer circuit)
192-255 Snow Machine is set to "on"
The second channel:
When Channel 1 is set from 64-127 then the second channel sets the overall duration of cycle time
anywhere from zero (0) to five minutes (255).
When Channel 1 is set from 128-191 then the second channel sets the overall duration of cycle time
anywhere from zero minutes (0) to 15 minutes (255).
The third channel:
Sets the % of "on time" during the duration set by the second channel. This value is a range from 0(0) to
The fourth channel:
Sets the amount of snow output from minimum output (1) to 100%(255). This channel is effective anytime
the machine is “on”
During all timer-controlled modes, internal limits enforce a minimum on time of at least 10seconds and a
minimum off time of at least four seconds.
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