Open - commands only OPEN.
Close - Commands only Close.
In the Remote Transmitter, Switch A is meant for Dual gate operation and Switch B
for Single
The control Board is equipped with proper Battery charging circuit and Overload
detection circuit. Overload detection circuit will detect any obstruction while working
or when limits are reached and cut off the respective motor power.
LOAD sensitivity of the motor can be set independently adjusted with PRESETS for
each motor. Clockwise turning will increase load. It should be adjusted such that
motor does not trip due to its inherent friction and load. Try re- adjusting the pre-set
and make sure that both gates work smoothly.
FAST WORKING TIME can be set for each motor independently, using 2 Pre-sets.
This can be varied from 1 Sec to 15 Secs.
SLOW SPEED Working Time is set as default
– 10 Secs.
SLOW SPEED TORQUE can be varied using Pre-set.