Congratulations on choosing our company product! We thank you for your custom.
Please note that this product, as all the others in the rich my company range, has
been designed and made with total quality to ensure excellent performance and
best meet your expectations and requirements.
Carefully read this user manual in its entirety and keep it safe for future reference.
It is essential to know the information and comply with the instructions given in this
manual to ensure the fitting is installed, used and serviced correctly and safely.
My company disclaims all liability for damage to the fitting or to other property or
persons deriving from installation, use and maintenance that have not been carried
out in conformity with this user manual, which must always accompany the fitting.
My company reserves the right to modify the characteristics stated in this user
manual at any time and without prior notice.
1 .
S afety information....................................................................................................
2 .
Tec hnic al informati on...............................................................................................
3 .
A ttac hment
4 .
Ins tallation and c onnec ting.......................................................................................
5 .
C ontrol panel....................................................................... .....................................
6 .
Menu s etting.............................................................................................................
7 .
C hannel func tion.....................................................................................................
1 2
8 .
2 6
9 .
........................... ..........................................................
2 7
1 0 .
2 7
1 1 .
2 8
1 2 .
C ompany information...........................................................................................
2 9
and body s ize
C irc uit c onnec ting diagram
Duty ex onerative and c opy right protec tion
C leaning a nd m aintenanc es
Tr oubes hooting