Australian Conversion Instructions
UK to Australia NG / ULPG
To convert the hotplate bypass screws
a) Remove the hotplate control knobs, springs and bezels
b) Using a small, flat bladed screwdriver, each bypass screw can be
accessed via the hole in the inner fascia panel
c) Undo the bypass screw by turning in an anti-clock wise direction, when
fully un-screwed the bypass screw can be removed using a pair of long
nosed pliers.
d) Replace with the bypass screws supplied in the conversion kit as detailed
in the tables on the previous page
e) Turn the bypass screw fully clockwise until it stops. Do not over tighten.
Conversion labels
Conversion to Australian NG
After conversion, add the label stating “ONLY FOR USE WITH NATURAL GAS”
adjacent to the appliance gas inlet.
Conversion to Australian LP
After conversion, add the label stating “ONLY FOR USE WITH PROPANE GAS”
adjacent to the appliance gas inlet.