When satisfied that the oven is operating correctly, instruct the
customer in its safe operation.
Ensure the customer understands fully by having them operate
the oven in all its functions.
Check the low flame setting for the oven burner with the control engaged
in the minimum position.
Light the oven burner and operate at maximum for 15 minutes. Turn the
control until it engages in the minimum position and remove the control
knob. Insert a screwdriver in the adjusting screw (located to the side of the
gascock shaft or in the centre of the shaft).
To increase the flame, turn the adjusting screw anticlockwise. To decrease
the flame, turn the adjusting screw clockwise. Adjust for a minimum,
stable and clear flame. Ensure the minimum flame will not be extinguished
when the oven door is closed.
Operate the oven burner on high and low flames and check that the
burner ignites properly and has a stable flame. The following may be
considered to be abnormal:
• If the burner has yellow tipping.
• If the burner is extinguished by opening and closing the oven door.
• If the burner fails to ignite properly.
• If the burner fails to remain alight.
• If the electrode constantly clicks when the burner is
When satisfied with the operation of the oven, please explain to the user
the correct method of operation. If the oven fails to operate correctly,
contact your local service agent.
Gas checks and adjustments - igniter operation
Check that the igniter successfully ignites the gas and that the burner
remains alight. If an igniter fails to work or the burner fails to remain alight,
first remove the plug from the electrical power outlet, and then check that
all the electrical connections are in place. If the oven fails to operate
correctly, call Glem Gas Australasia Pty Ltd or their appointed agent for
service. Do not attempt repairs yourself.