405-OM-UK-001 v1.0
09 Jul 2020
Need assistance? +44 (0)1379 658300 [email protected]
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Basic Operation
The Xvent has three prime positions; closed, vent open and fire open. These correspond to 0º, 45º and 140º lid openings respectively.
Under normal operating conditions the Xvent will travel between the vent open and closed positions. It can be stopped in any
intermediate position and will respond to the full range of input controls listed below. This means that the Xvent will not open
beyond 45º under the control of the wall mount control switch.
The Xvent is fitted with an ambient air temperature sensor as standard which is part of the bezel assembly fitted to the inside edge
of the product. This sensor serves as a backup to the fire alarm system. If the sensor detects ambient air temperature of 72ºC (162°F)
or more it will trigger fire behaviour. Fire alarm activation will also trigger fire behaviour.
Under fire conditions the Xvent will immediately respond by travelling to the fire open position (140º). This will happen regardless
of the status of any of the other control devices (eg. remote control). The wall mounted control switch will illuminate intermittent
green during opening to the fire position. Whilst the fire condition is held the Xvent will remain in the fire open position and will
ignore all other control devices
other than a “Fireman’s Override” (if configured) open or close activation.
Recovery from fire alarm activation must be by manual operation using the wall mounted control switch (this is to allow somebody
to walk around the building during a fire drill and check each that each individual rooflight is functioning correctly). The fire condition
must be cancelled/reset first before the wall mounted switch will allow the Xvent to be closed from the fire position.
If activated from the temperature sensor, after a 180 second delay control will be returned to the wall mounted control switch, but
only when the temperature is below the trigger point and the fire alarm input has been reset.
On resetting the fire alarm, if the temperature sensor has not been triggered, control is immediately returned to the wall mounted
control switch.
Battery Backup
The Xvent has back up batteries housed inside its base frame. Under normal conditions the power switching device (also located
inside the product base) will trickle charge the batteries which are isolated from electrical loading. Only when the incoming supply
to the switching device is lost will the batteries be switched in automatically.
When operating under batteries all appropriate control inputs will be allowed to close the Xvent. Once closed, or if already closed,
the Xvent will only open under fire behaviour. This is to prevent unnecessary battery drain.
Whilst running on batteries the Xvent will emit a periodic (one second every minute) audible warning to make the building occupants
are aware that power has been lost. Battery operation is also indicated by a flashing red LED on the bezel fitted to the inside of the
product frame. For more information, see the troubleshooting section.