203-INST-UK-001 v1.0
02 Aug 2022
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Step 5c
Joining back-to-back
Join the two back-to-back brackets with the supplied small barrel bolts. Back-to-back fixings to be placed in prior to fixing to
structural opening. This will aid in keeping the two section in-line.
Figure 7c
Joining back-to-
Step 5d
External Joint Cover & Joint Caps
After the installation of the second section, apply silicone to the ridge of the rain channel and the glass apex, then fit the external
joint cover and joint caps. Clean the joins as required. See figure 7d.
Figure 7d
External Joint Cover & Joint Caps
Step 5e
Securing rooflight to structural opening
Working inside the building, drill Ø3 mm pilot holes into the supporting structure through the pre-
drilled holes in the product’s
Adjust the previously taped packers to bridge the gaps fully and to align with the holes.
Secure the product to the supporting structure using the woodscrews. Care should be taken when tightening the fixings to ensure
the frame does not distort.
If performing a dry run, screws through some of the fixing holes into the rafters can be used to temporarily hold the
product in place. The position of the product can be marked, and the product removed. The installation can then be
If installing into an alternative material to wood, it may be necessary to source suitable wall plugs and/or fixings to
use instead of those provided.
External Joint Cover
Joint Cap
Joint Cap