3 Performing measurements
3.1 Version Info
The following information is related to P
9710 Firmware Version V5.1.
3.2 Quick start guide
connect the plug
in power supply to the P
9710 or use the internal battery
connect the detector head to the P
press <on/light> button to switch on the P
first the P
9710 displays the Firmware Version: “P
9710 Vx.x”.
next the P
9710 displays "Detector connected" and the detector’s serial
the meter/detector should now be set
up to default settings, i.e., without
further programming measurements can be performed
if necessary the P
9710 measurement parameters can be reset to the
factory default values:
press the <menu> button
press <▲> up or <▼> down buttons until "Setup" is displayed, press
<enter> button to select
press <▲> or <▼> buttons choose until "Configuration" is displayed,
press <enter> button to select
press <▲> or <▼> buttons until "Default Init" is displayed, press <enter>
button to select
9710 asks for confirmation: "Change Data?", press <enter> button to
confirm or < esc / reset > to abort
now specific measurement parameters can be selected to perform a certain
measurement task (see "4.3 P
9710 Menu Structure") as required
3.3 P
9710 Menu Structure
3.3.1 General information
The P
9710 can be manually operated and set
up for measurements using
the front panel keypad (10 buttons).
Pressing the
menu> button selects the main menu. There are further sub
menus. The up
<▲> and down <▼> arrow buttons
are used to switch be-
tween the different menus. By pressing the <enter>
button the menu item dis-
played is selected. By pressing the <esc / reset> button one can escape from
the menu without changing parameters. Upon selecting a setting, the P
requests confirmation (“Change Data?”) to change the parameter. Press the
<enter> button to confirm that you really want to change the setting.