After completing connection, you may go Internet surfing or send and receive email.
GPRS Wizard helps you to manually select your GPRS network with more ease.
1.Tap “ Start ” >
> Connections tab >
GPRS Wizard
.Choose the regional name of your location.
3.Choose the desirable network, or tap “ Add ” to add new networks.
4.Tap “ OK ” to save the changes and exit.
If you want to connect this device with your personal computer, please see “Chapter 5
ActiveSync Synchronization Tool”.
If you want to use Bluetooth function connection in this device, please see Chapter “Using
You can set the device as a wireless modem. Internet Sharing allows your PC/Notebook
be connected to a wireless network. Before creating a new modem via the selected
connection type, you still need to install the drivers on your PC/Notebook. Please find the
drivers in the ActiveSync and Application Software CD.
1.Tap Start > Programs > Internet Sharing.
.Select a USB or Bluetooth PAN as PC Connection type.
.Connect your phone via USB cable or Bluetooth to a PC/Notebook, and then tap