Switch to icon/list: switch the channel list mode
between normal list and icon list.
Advance install: enter Advance install app.
Simple install: enter Simple install app
Online install: enter online install app.
Edit all: enter channel edit menu
Channel edit:
keys to switch Most view, FAV, SAT,
Provider, ALL and Radio pages in channel editor menu:
Most view: show 20 most view channels.
FAV: show all fav groups
Sat: sort the channels by satellite. Then only
services provided by the selected satellite will be
Provider: sort the channels by provider. You can
view service entries by groups of broadcasters.
ALL: show the all channels you can watch.
Radio: show all radio channels
In all page you are allow to do below operations:
key to select channel.
key to display type list for selection.
key add the selected channels to FAV group.
key to sort the list.
key to display the detailed information of the
highlight channel.
key to search channel.
key to edit channel: move/ lock/
delete/rename/Delete mark/new mark/rename mark.
Move: move the selected channels to a different
position then press ok key to confirm.
Lock: Lock the selected channels. To watch the
locked channel, you must enter your password.
Delete: Delete the selected channels from the
channel list. The deleted channel cannot be
recovered unless you do a channel scan again.
Rename: Change the name of the highlighted
New mark: add a new mark in a fav list.
Delete mark: Delete the selected channels from
the fav list
Rename mark: Change the name of the highlighted
The related mark function only available in FAV page, it
will be hidden in other page.
Except Fav page, if you delete a channel from other
page, the deleted channel cannot be recovered unless
you do a channel scan again. In fav page, the delete
function only used to remove channel from fav group.