3. Avoid placing the loudspeakers similar distances from the side and front walls, as this may lead to
an uneven bass response
4. Avoid having any hard surfaces between your listening position and the loudspeakers. This will
generate additional reflections that may degrade the stereo image. For this reason, where ever
possible, equipment should be located at the side of the room. If you have a hard floor (wood or tile),
it may be advantageous to place a carpet on the floor covering the area between the loudspeakers and
the listening position, as this will reduce unwanted early reflections.
Avoid having the listening position closer than 1.2m from the rear wall as early reflections from this
wall will degrade the stereo image.
Distance from the Front Wall
Initially, we recommend that the loudspeakers be positioned against the front wall and set facing
directly down the room as shown in figure 7. They may be set as much as 2m from the front wall. The
closer the loudspeakers are set to the front wall, the stronger the bass will be. The actual distance
chosen will depend on the type of bass that the listener requires.
The distance of the listening position from the loudspeakers should be 1.5 to 2 times the distance
between the centres of the loudspeakers. Moving the loudspeakers further apart will degrade the
stereo image. The best setting for each room will be found by experiment. It is not necessary to toe-in
the loudspeakers towards the listening position. If the bass level is excessive try moving the
loudspeakers progressively away from the wall. Aim to find a position that provides an even bass
response, combined with a well focussed stereo image when you are seated at the listening position.
Distance from the Side Wall
Avoid placing the loudspeakers closer than 0.5m from the side walls, as early reflections will degrade
the stereo image. Positioning the loudspeakers too close to the side walls will also lead to an uneven
bass response. Aim to find the position that provides the best defined and most realistic stereo image
combined with an even bass when you are seated at the listening position.