Instructions for Use
Diffustik / Variant PFTstik
Serial no.: xx|8|401|yyy and 2401xxxxx
Page 46
Version: 8 | Release date: 16. August 2021
Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik could be damaged
Reason: Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik flow sensors are
precise and high-resolution components.
For this: Ensure the respective functions are preserved!
Exactly follow instructions for cleaning, disinfection and
You will find a detailed description in:
Chap. 9 "Cleaning and Disinfection".
The separate IFU Volume Calibration.
Flow Sensor
The heart of the Diffustik resp. the variant PFTstik for precise
flow measurement is the Ergoflow flow sensor. It must be
calibrated after every cleaning and before the first examination of
a day.
As the flow sensor ensures the precise flow measurements, the
cleaning and calibration requirements must absolutely be
adhered to, regardless of the version selected.
Mouth Pressure Sensor
A precise and long-term stabile pressure sensor for measuring
the mouth pressure is integrated in the flow unit. This can be
calibrated with the help of an external manometer.