Face Recongition
[Export Face Database]
Export the face database of the camera into a zip file and save it on
your PC, to be backed up or used for other cameras.
[Import Face Database]
Import a face database into the camera.
[Group Management]
to edit the name of the existing face groups, or click
to add a face group. Up to 32 groups are supported including the 3 default
groups, VIP, Normal and Unwelcome.
Importing a face database into the camera will replace the existing database. Back up
the existing database before importing a new
abase into the camera.
After the new database is imported, make sure that your local computer is supported
by Abode Flash Player. Otherwise, the face database (Figure 5-16) and event log
(Figure 5-17) will become inaccessible.
Any changes made to the group names directly from the camera will not be reflected
on those of GV-VMS. If your camera is connected to GV-VMS, add or edit the group
names on GV-VMS which will synchronize with the camera’s face database.
Through GV-VMS, you can only modify the first 10 group names.