page 21
Genquip Gi2000 Digital Inverter Petrol Generator
Generator stops
Generator may not be
correctly ventilated with free
fl owing air.
Check and make sure that
the generator is located in
a appropriately ventilated
environment. If not relocate
the generator to a well-
ventilated location.
Generator fuel cap breather
set on the closed position.
Check that the generator
fuel cap has the breather
located switch located on
the "on" position, allowing
air to mix with the fuel. If
the breather cap is located
in the "off' position rotate
switch on the cap to the
"on" position.
Generator air fi lter may
need cleaning.
Remove the air fi lter. Check
to make sure that the air
fi lter is clean. If required
clean, dry and re-install the
air fi lter.
Generator fuel fi lter may be
The internal in-line fi lter
may be blocked. Contact
your service agent for a
service/replacement of the
fuel fi lter.
Generator running
Has the choke been
elevated to the Run position.
Check to make sure that the
choke has been elevated
to the run position. If not
elevate the choke to the run
Has the generator got old
fuel in it, that has been
sitting still for a while.
If so empty out the old fuel
and replace it with new
fresh fuel.
Appliance is not
working or stops
Unplug the appliance from
the generator and check for
If appliance has a defect
follow the instructions as
per the operation/owners