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Put on the hearing instrument with earmold and
SmartFit™ Trainer
Your hearing instrument may have SmartFit™ Trainer, a guidance help
for parents and caregivers when inserting the earmold. Your Hearing
Care Professional may enable or disable the SmartFit™ Trainer.
The LED indicator will remain ON for up to 20 seconds while the
system checks the earmold insertion and fit. If the earmold is NOT
inserted correctly, a series of rapid blinks on the LED will appear.
If the blinks appear, turn the hearing instrument off and on again,
and reinsert the earmold. It may be possible that the rapid blinks will
continue to appear even after re-inserting the earmold . This is often
an indication that the earmold may be loose and needs replacing. Be
assured that the hearing instrument will still proceed to turn on and
work properly.