background image


- 19 -



Fit in the ignition key and turn it clockwise. Three zeros will

come up on the display for about three seconds, followed by the

voltage rating of the battery.

The operator’s seat features a safety device that disables traction

(forward and reverse) when the operator gets up from his seat.

NOTE:  temporary activation of the indicator lights on the console

and of the horn is to be considered normal.

IMPORTANT: “DP” version equipped with a DIESEL engine.

During operation with an electrical traction motor, the “S”

warning light (OIL ALARM) stays lit. This condition can be

considered normal.

Let at least three seconds pass after you have turned off the

machine, before turning it on again.

Check the state of the batteries on the appropriate display.

The display has two functions: Voltmeter and Hour meter.

The voltmeter features an undervoltage checking function which

automatically disables all services, traction excluded, if the

battery charge level drops below 20.5V (the code “

F 205” 




on the display).

In this case, recharge the battery (see the “MAINTENANCE”

section and the battery handbook).

If the battery charge level is suitably high, you can start your


If the machine features a petrol engine, first start the engine.


To start the endothermic engine, push toggle switch N towards

its START position (see switchboard); the toggle switch will flick

automatically back to its initial position.

N.B.: if the engine does not start immediately, the maximum

activation time of the starter motor must not exceed 5 seconds

for a petrol engine and 15 seconds for a diesel engine. These

activation intervals can be repeated after a short resting time

(approximately 8 – 10 sec.).

To stop the motor, flick toggle switch N to OFF.


: the “S” warning light (OIL ALARM) comes on

when the ignition is activated. Once the engine is running, the

light should go off. If it does not go off or it comes on when

the machine is running, stop and turn off the engine. Check

the oil level.

When the machine is running with the endothermic engine,

make sure the cooling fan is running too. If the alternator

overheats, the overheating protection device it is fitted with

will stop the machine with the C101 error code.

To display the number of working hours of the machine (hour

meter function), press the display selection key once and you

will be shown the total number of hours worked. Press the key

another time and you will be shown the partial hours and minutes

worked, which can be reset at any moment by holding down the

key for at least 5 seconds. Press a third time or wait about 10

seconds and the voltage rating of the battery will come up on

the display.

To run the machine: select the forward or reverse gear using the

lever on the instrument board – marked with the letter ‘P’. Then

press the accelerator pedal and the machine will start moving.

The machine is fitted with an automatic starting-stopping

function, which starts and stops the machine on the basis of a

pre-established sequence.



After pressing the emergency button on the right hand side of

the instrument board, turn the ignition key (marked ‘O’ on the

diagram of the control panel) to position ‘1’.

Select one of the three programmes by pressing P1, P2 or P3.

The following functions are automatically activated: centre brush,

aspirator, side brushes. All LED’s of the selected aspirator and

brush working programme will come on at the same time.

After a few seconds, all functions are stopped and the three

LED’s start flashing: the sweeper is in its AUTO-POWER-OFF


All functions are automatically reactivated when the user presses

the accelerator pedal: AUTO-POWER-ON.


: by releasing the accelerator or putting lever P in its idle

position, all functions will be automatically turned off, except the

engine, within approximately 6 seconds (AUTO POWER OFF).

In this condition, the indicator lights pertaining to the programme

selected and that of the aspirator motor will start flashing.

To reactivate all functions, let the machine run forward by

pressing the accelerator pedal, without deactivating the selected

programme (AUTO-POWER-ON).

You can select a new programme only after you have disabled

the previous one.


After turning on the machine and starting the engine, if

necessary, choose among the three available programmes, the

one best suiting your requirements by pressing one of the three



 (Light cleaning, indoors, concrete, quartz, smooth

floors, etc.)


Summary of Contents for 1300 DP


Page 2: ...ndigkeit mu den Bodenverh ltnissen angepasst werden Situationen in nicht stabilen Positionen oder Stellungen sind zu vermeiden Bei Auftreten von Funktionsst rungen der Maschine sollte zun chst gepr ft...

Page 3: ...aufbewahrt bzw entsorgt werden Vorsichtsma nahmen vor Inbetriebnahme der Maschine Zu Transportzwecken sind die seitlichen B rste n nicht in der vorgesehenen Betriebsposition der Maschine montiert Die...

Page 4: ...e in die Batterieelemente bis zum im Handbuch der Batterie angegebenen F llstand f llen Nach einer Stunde werden die Elemente erforderlichenfalls nachgef llt Die Batterien f r eine weitere Stunde ruhe...

Page 5: ...jederzeit durch verl ngerte Bet tigung der Taste mind 5 Sekunden die Teilstunden nullstellt Dr ckt man die Taste ein drittes Mal bzw wartet man 10 Sekunden erscheint der Batteriespannungswert Inbetri...

Page 6: ...UNGSMOTOR Die Maschine in der Ausf hrung mit Verbrennungsmotor ist auch mit ausgeschaltetem Motor voll leistungsf hig z B bei Treibstoffmangel oder bei Einsatz in geschlossenen R umen Die Arbeitsauton...

Page 7: ...hl der Maschine sieht auch eine regelm ige Reinigung beider Filtereins tze in vorprogrammierten Zeitabst nden vor 2 Durch manuell zugeschaltete elektrische Filterentleerung Ein einfacher Handgriff f r...

Page 8: ...t dass die B rste ausgewechselt werden mu Die mittlere B rste wird wie folgt ausgewechselt Die T r auf der linken Seite der Maschine ffnen Knauf wie in der Abbildung gezeigt losschrauben Die drei Knau...

Page 9: ...iefl ssigkeit stark tzend ist und bei Ber hrung mit Haut oder Augen sofort mit reichlich Wasser ausgesp lt und ein Arzt gerufen werden mu Die Batterien werden bei Bedarf nach folgendem Ablauf geladen...

Page 10: ...gen F r alle beschriebenen Ma nahmen mu die Bedienungs und Wartungsanleitung des Motors zu Rate gezogen werden ALARMCODE OIL Mit dem Fehlercode OIL ALARM wird dem Nutzer der alle 100 Betriebsstunden e...

Page 11: ausgeschalteter Maschine und abgezogenem Z ndschl ssel durchgef hrt werden Alle ordentlichen und ausserordentlichen Wartungsarbeiten m ssen von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal oder einer Vertragswerks...

Page 12: ...m Z ndschl ssel durchgef hrt werden Alle ordentlichen und ausserordentlichen Wartungsarbeiten m ssen von qualifiziertem Fachpersonal oder einer Vertragswerkstatt ausgef hrt werden Anleitungen und Hinw...

Page 13: der frei drehbar sind Maschine ausschalten 5 warten und erneut starten Leuchtet der Code C102 wieder auf Vertragswerkstatt rufen Bei hoher Umgebungstemperatur Maschine 20 Minuten ausschalten und da...

Page 14: ...lbeh lter ist voll berabsorption oder Blockierung der mittleren B rste Vgl Ma nahmen zu Kode C 104 Batterie wieder aufladen vgl Abschnitt Wartung Dieser Kode steht f r s urehaltige Battereien Vgl Ma n...

Page 15: ...ris entre 30 et 95 Il est interdit d utiliser la machine comme un moyen de transport Il est interdit de nettoyer la machine avec des solvants ou d autres produits semblables Les brosses ne doivent pas...

Page 16: ...des composants ci dessus adressez vous imm diatement au revendeur NOTE Pour viter de les perdre pendant le transport les cl s de d marrage sont rang es dans le sachet contenant la documentation techni...

Page 17: ...heure v rifiez le niveau et faites l appoint si n cessaire Laissez reposer la batterie encore une heure puis proc dez une recharge apr s avoir consult le paragraphe ENTRETIEN du manuel d instructions...

Page 18: ...tection se d clenche en provoquant l arr t de la machine et l affichage du code d alarme C101 En appuyant une fois sur la touche de s lection de l afficheur celui ci affiche le nombre total d heures d...

Page 19: ...DE LAMACHINE AVEC MOTEURAESSENCE La machine quip e d un moteur essence peut travailler m me avec le moteur teint par exemple quand il n y a plus de carburant ou pour travailler dans des milieux clos L...

Page 20: ...e l cher pendant quelques secondes R p tez cette op ration 4 ou 5 fois Plus le filtre est propre et meilleur sera le r sultat du nettoyage Il est conseill de le nettoyer la fin de chaque cycle de trav...

Page 21: ...changer la brosse centrale proc dez de la fa on suivante Ouvrez le panneau gauche de la machine en d vissant la manette illustr e sur la photo D vissez et enlevez les trois manettes qui fixent le cou...

Page 22: yeux rincez imm diatement avec de l eau propre en abondance et consultez un m decin Lorsque c est n cessaire rechargez la batterie en suivant les consignes suivantes Eteignez la machine en tournant...

Page 23: ...e du carburant Pour toutes les op rations ci dessus consultez le manuel d instructions sp cifique du moteur essence CODE D ALARME OIL Le code d erreur OIL ALARM est destin signaler l utilisateur qu il...

Page 24: ...ons doivent tre effectu es avec la machine l arr t et la cl d sactiv e Toutes les op rations d entretien ordinaire et extraordinaire doivent tre effectu es par un personnel comp tent ou aupr s d un ce...

Page 25: ...tions doivent tre effectu es avec la machine l arr t et la cl d sactiv e Toutes les op rations d entretien ordinaire et extraordinaire doivent tre effectu es par un personnel comp tent ou aupr s d un...

Page 26: ...marre pas Description de l anomalie Surchauffe du moteur traction 95 C OU Surchauffe de l alternateur 150 C Probl me ventuel dans le contr le de la traction ou du fusible Surchauffe des circuits lectr...

Page 27: ...ordures est pleine Absorption excessive ou blocage du balai central Remplacer l huile du moteur endothermique Cf code d alarme C 104 Rechargez la batterie cf le chapitre Entretien Ce code est utilis...

Page 28: ...e scaffalature o impalcature dove esiste pericolo di caduta di oggetti Adeguare la velocit di utilizzo alle condizioni di aderenza Evitare condizioni di instabilit Quando si dovessero riscontrare anom...

Page 29: ...cchina Procedere al montaggio come descritto nel paragrafo Prepa razione di una macchina nuova DESCRIZIONE COMANDI E PANNELLO DI CONTROLLO 1 Pedale blocco freno 2 Pedale freno di servizio 3 Pedale alz...

Page 30: ...ora e poi procedere ad una ricarica in accordo alle istruzioni specificate nel libretto fornito con la batteria fare riferimento al paragrafo MANUTENZIONE durante la ricarica tutti i tappi delle batt...

Page 31: ...splay compariranno le ore totali lavorate Premen do una seconda volta il tasto di selezione compariranno le ore e i minuti parziali lavorati azzerabili in qualsiasi momento se al momento della compars...

Page 32: ...rie Questa macchina avendo un generatore di corrente con circui to elettronico che funge da regolatore di tensione permette di caricare correttamente la batteria senza danneggiarla con ca richi eccess...

Page 33: ...premere il pulsan te indicato con la lettera F Fig 3 e tenerlo premuto per alcuni secondi Ripetere questa operazione 4 o 5 volte Si ricorda che pi il filtro tenuto pulito e migliore sar il risul tato...

Page 34: ...della spazzola centrale procedere nel modo seguente Aprire il portello sul lato sinistro della macchina svitando il pomello mostrato in figura Svitare e togliere i tre pomelli che fissano il coperchio...

Page 35: ...e abbondantemente con acqua e consul tare un medico Quando necessario ricaricare le batterie in accordo con le se guenti istruzioni Spegnere con la chiave principale la macchina Sollevare il cofano Sc...

Page 36: versione con motore a benzina quin di quando si accende necessario verificare il quantitativo d olio presente nel motore B La pressione dell olio per la versione con motore diesel quindi quando si...

Page 37: ...6 settimane occorre comunque ricaricare le batterie per garantire che la loro tensione non scenda mai sotto la soglia dei 20 5 V Infatti le batterie inutilizzate subiscono un fenomeno di auto scarica...

Page 38: ...nel caso in cui la macchina rimanga inutilizzata a lungo esempio da 4 a 6 settimane occorre comunque ricaricare le batterie per garantire che la loro tensione non scenda mai sotto la soglia dei 20 5...

Page 39: ...macchina non parte Descrizione dell anomalia Sovratemperatura del motore tra zione 95 C O Sovratemperatura dell alternatore 150 C Possibile problema nel controllo della trazione o del fusibile Tempera...

Page 40: ...ieno Sovrassorbimento o blocco della spazzola centrale Olio del motore endotermico da sostituire Vedi interventi codice C 104 Procedere con una ricarica della batteria vedi capitolo manutenzione Quest...

Page 41: ...lvents or similar substances to clean the machine Avoid running the brushes when the machine is still to prevent damage the floor Do not use the machine to draw up inflammable liquid If fires break ou...

Page 42: ...position To put it in place read the Preparing a new machine section THE CONTROLS AND THE CONTROL PANEL 1 Brake engagement pedal 2 Parking brake pedal 3 Flap raising pedal 4 Accelerator pedal 5 Right...

Page 43: ...nd then refill in accordance to the instructions given in the handbook provided with the battery refer to the MAINTENANCE section During the charging operations all battery caps must be open 3 If the...

Page 44: ...s the overheating protection device it is fitted with will stop the machine with the C101 error code To display the number of working hours of the machine hour meter function press the display selecti...

Page 45: ...mme chosen and on the battery charge status To guarantee the working life of the batteries the machine features some safety systems 1 When the battery voltage drops below 20 5 Volt all machine functio...

Page 46: ...of an electric filter shaker that is manually started Just a simple command is needed to keep the filter in perfect working order press the button marked F on Fig 3 and hold it down for a few seconds...

Page 47: ...To replace the centre brush proceed as follows Open up the door on the left hand side of the machine by loosening the knob as shown in the figure Unscrew and remove the three knobs that secure the co...

Page 48: ...nt of contact with your skin or eyes wash with plenty of fresh water and seek medical assistance Whenever necessary charge the battery according to the following instructions Turn the machine off with...

Page 49: regularly Before carrying out any of the above operations consult the use and maintenance handbook of the engine OIL ALARM CODE The OIL ALARM error code informs users every 100 hours of work that t...

Page 50: ...ried out with the machine off and the key removed All routine and corrective maintenance operations must be effected by competent personnel or at an authorised service centre NOTE the life of the batt...

Page 51: ...necessary to recharge the batteries to guarantee that the voltage level never drops below the threshold value of 20 5 V If not used batteries tend to lose their charge Battery liquid and voltage level...

Page 52: ...op The machine does not start Fault The temperature of the traction motor has risen above 95 C or the alternator temperature has risen above 150 C They may be a problem affecting the traction system o...

Page 53: ...the cables of the traction motor The waste bin is full Excessive power draw or centre brush lock The oil in the endothermic engine must be replaced See remedy for code C 104 Recharge the battery see t...

Page 54: ...rendida entre 0 y 40 C La humedad debe estar comprendida entre 30 y 95 No usar la m quina como medio de transporte No utilizar disolventes o similares para la limpieza de la m quina Evitar que los cep...

Page 55: ...reparaci n de una m quina nueva 1 Pedal de bloqueo freno 2 Pedal del freno de servicio 3 Pedal alza flap 4 Pedal del acelerador 5 Palanca de mando cepillo lateral derecho 5A Palanca de mando cepillo l...

Page 56: recarga seg n las instrucciones espec ficas del manual suministrado con la bater a hacer referencia al p rrafo MANTENIMIENTO Durante la recarga todos los tapones de las bater as deben estar abierto...

Page 57: ...segunda vez aparecer n las horas y los minutos parciales trabajados que pueden ponerse a cero en cualquier momento manteniendo accionada la tecla por al menos 5 segundos cuando aparecen en el display...

Page 58: ...CON MOTOR A EXPLOSI N La m quina en la versi n con motor a explosi n puede trabajar con plenas prestaciones aun con motor apagado por ejemplo cuando se ha agotado el combustible o cuando se trabaja en...

Page 59: ...ulsador indicado con la letra F Fig 3 y mantenerlo apretado por algunos segundos Repetir esta operaci n 4 5 veces Se recuerda que cuanto m s limpio se mantiene el filtro mejor ser el resultado de la l...

Page 60: ...i n del cepillo central proceder del siguiente modo Abrir la puerta del lado izquierdo de la m quina aflojando el pomo representado en la figura Aflojar y quitar los tres pomos que fijan la tapa del v...

Page 61: ...o con los ojos lavar abundantemente con agua y consultar ala m dico Cuando sea necesario recargar las bater as seg n las siguientes instrucciones Apagar la m quina con la llave principal Levantar el...

Page 62: ...todas las operaciones arriba indicadas consultar el manual de uso y mantenimiento del motor a explosi n CODIGO DEALARMA OIL El c digo de error OIL ALARM sirve para se alar al usuario que es necesario...

Page 63: ...con m quina apagada y llave extra da Todas las operaciones de mantenimiento peri dico o extraordinario deben ser efectuadas por personal competente o en un centro de asistencia autorizado NOTA la dura...

Page 64: ...pagada y llave extra da Todas las operaciones de mantenimiento peri dico o extraordinario deben ser efectuadas por personal competente o en un centro de asistencia autorizado En caso de tener que cump...

Page 65: estaba trabajando se bloquea Las funciones de la m quina se bloquean La m quina no parte Descripci n del desperfecto Sobretemperatura del motor de tracci n 95 C Posible problema en el control de la...

Page 66: ...eno Sobreabsorci n o bloqueo del cepillo central Aceite del motor endotermico a cambiar Ver las intervenciones para el c digo C 104 Proceder con una recarga de la bater a ver cap tulo de mantenimiento...

Page 67: ......
