Additional Features
SNMP Traps
SpectraComm ADT
Issue 6
Installation and Operation Manual
SNMP Traps
The SC-ADT supports the following SNMP traps, listed below. All supported traps are queued for
each of up to four trap hosts. Traps are kept in the queue until IP connectivity to the trap host is
verified. The last ten traps for each trap host are queued. Queuing SNMP traps before sending to
the trap host greatly improves the trap success in the event of network outages. Once the network
is restored and IP connectivity is verified, the queued trap is sent.
Cold Start
ethernet0 Link Up/Down
modem0 Link Up/Down (if so equipped)
modem1 Link Up/Down (if so equipped)
Contact Sense Start/Stopped (as configured)
Contact Sense Active/Clear (as configured)
port alert (as configured)
ACL violations (as configured)
Each SNMP trap is time-stamped with a relative System Up Time (default) or with GMT, if so
configured (refer to
in this chapter).
SNMP Trap Configuration
To configure SC-ADT to send SNMP alarm traps to designated IP addresses, perform the
following steps:
1. Login to SC-ADT as an administrator or supervisor.
2. Configure the destination IP address for SNMP traps by typing:
configure snmp trap add
[destination IP address] [community]
3. Identify the SC-ADT in SNMP format by typing:
configure snmp system
configure snmp system
configure snmp system
4. Configure the community name and define access privileges by typing:
configure snmp community add
[community name] [access privilege]
Access privileges are defined as read-only (
) or read-write (