Additional Features
Contact Sense
SpectraComm ADT
Installation and Operation Manual
Issue 6
Front Panel Contact Sense Interface
Input Contact Sensing Modes
The SC-ADT front panel interfaces provide up to 16 or 32 ports that can be used for contact sensing
connections to external dry contact devices at the site. Each port can be configured for Range (Hi/
Lo) Mode or Sense Mode. This interface is described later in this section. Each input contact must
be configured as Normally Opened or Normally Closed.
In Sense Mode, a closed condition on a normally opened port will cause an ACTIVE condition. An
open condition on a normally closed contact will cause an ACTIVE condition. Similarly, Range
Mode will cause the same conditions, showing HI ACTIVE or LOW ACTIVE. When the contact
returns to its normal state a CLEAR condition is in effect. Any transition between open and closed
will generate an SNMP trap which is recorded in the SYS MSG log and the Alarm log.
To view the Help screen for configuring an environmental input at the front panel interface,
configure ports mode ?
To show the status of an environmental input at the front panel interface,
show ports general
Figure 5-6
Help Screen for Environmental Inputs (Front Panel Ports)
Input Contact Sensing Configuration Procedure
This procedure configures up to 16 individual ports at the front panel interface for input contact
sensing, using the port number
[#] in the command string. If desired, you can configure a
parameter for all contacts at once by typing
in place of
1. Connect the external device to the SC-ADT rear panel front interface as described in
Chapter 2, Installation & Connections
of this manual. For a Range (Hi/Low) application,
connect the leads to the desired high and low pins of the external device.
2. At the SC-ADT, set the desired contact mode:
configure ports mode range
(to set the port for range sensing (high/low)
configure ports mode sense
(to set the port for contact sense)
3. Set the normal operating state of each port by typing:
configure ports sense normal-state p
[#] is a port from 1 - 16 (or 1 - 32). The normal state for each is Normally Open
) or Normally Closed (
). Default is Normally Open.
ADT-32% configure ports mode ?
___________Help for "configure ports mode "______________________
dialin Set port mode to Dialin; requires 1 parameter(s)
range Set port mode to Range Sense; requires 1 parameter(s)
sense Set port mode to Sense; requires 1 parameter(s)
term Set port mode to Terminal Server; requires 1 parameter(s)
tport Set port mode to Transport; requires 1 parameter(s)