Section 2 - Start-up Instructions (cont’d)
If water in the pipe is a concern, the piping system can be dried as follows: Crack open an inspection test point on
the far end of the sprinkler system to allow the current wet air in the sprinkler system to be purged out of the system. This
leak should be adjusted to cause the compressor to run, after filling the system to pressure, no more than 4 times per hour.
Allow this to run for 24 hours then close the inspection test port to allow the system to function normally. This procedure
is an optional, extra step to ensure the piping system is as dry as possible and assumes proper pitch of piping and removal
of standing water with low point drains as per NFPA 13.
The automatic drain is set to a mid position at the factory. You should not need to adjust frequency or duration but
if you do, be aware that the quicker the cycle and the longer the open time, the more air will be used and the less will be
available at the unit outlet. A light on the control panel will indicate when the drain is operating. The drain timing should be
adjusted so all water in the air receiver is removed without bleeding excess air. A length of tubing is provided at the drain
valve outlet for piping to a convenient drain or collection point.
Always keep the drain valve switch in the “Auto” position during operation.
Be sure to pipe this discharge to a location where the discharged air and water will not
be a hazard to personnel. Follow local requirements for disposal of water and oil
Single Riser Installation:
Once the system is filled, close the 3/4” valve on the air maintenance device, open the two 1/4"
valves and set the regulator for final system maintenance pressure. The final regulator should then be fully opened to allow
the air maintenance device to control system pressure.
Multiple Riser Installation:
Set final regulator pressure at least 10 psi above highest pressure. Put air maintenance device
into fill position (3/4” fill valve open). Adjust industrial system air maintenance devices as required.
If following the optional 24 hour drying procedure, remember to close the inspection port.
Section 3 - Operation
3.1 Description of Operation
The following is a description of the operation of the DRY AIR PAC.
Typically air is drawn into the compressor intake through the threaded inlet filter.
These units have been FM Approved with air not being drawn from the freezer room.
Therefore we do not recommend they be connected to the freezer room.
If required by the AHJ, air is drawn in from the cold room through the inlet filter installed inside the cold room. This
air then travels to the compressor intake via 1 1/2" minimum line size piping.
Air is drawn into the compressor intake and compressed through the compression cycle. The air then flows into the
air cooled aftercooler where ambient air pulled over the coil cools the hot compressed air.
Water in the compressed air condenses out of the air as it cools and flows into the receiver. A check valve in this
line prevents back flow to the compressor. The water settles to the bottom of the receiver and is discharged from the receiv-
er when the automatic drain valve opens.
Air then leaves the receiver and goes into the coalescing filter where entrained oil is removed. The air then travels
to the dryer inlet. The air is diverted to one drying tank by way of two solenoid valves. The air travels upwards through the
desiccant bed and exits through the top of the tank. A portion of the dried air is diverted to the opposite tank by way of the
purge valve and gauge/orifice combination. The purge pressure gauge setting is factory set (see following settings for each
model). If re-setting is required, consult the factory for assistance.