We reserve the right to modify the characteristics of the equipment supplied without notice or as part of the continued development of our products.
Please ensure the EBS cylinder has been installed and sited correctly in accordance with the
Geminox-UK instructions supplied with the equipment.
1 Remove the Black connector plug from the rear of the cylinder temperature control housing on
the top of the cylinder.
2 Open the connector plug using a small flathead screwdriver inserted into the slots on the sides
of the connector plug.
3 Looking at the terminals inside the connector plug they are marked 1, 2, CPC, N and 3.
4 Line in to No2 and line out to No1, when No voltage present or phase to No2 and switch line
to No1, when voltage present.
5 In both cases the CPC must be supplied from a good and reliable source.
6 Terminate No. 1 to control the safety shut off zone valve as follows :
The safety shut off zone valve is wired as follows :
Green/Yellow =
7 The desired temperature setting should now be set using the controls on the top of the
cylinder or should be left on maximum if the hot water is controlled via our boiler controls.
Technical note
The cylinder temperature control housing, on top of the cylinder, contains a high limit thermostat, an
adjustable thermostat, and a temperature sensor, none of which require voltage to operate, both
thermostats “Open” once the desired temperature is reached and break the circuit, the temperature
gauge phial displays the temperature on the front of the cylinder and the sensor will display the
temperature of the water inside the cylinder on the boiler controller.
Please Note
The Geminox range of products are designed to be used in installations where the complete system is
supplied by Geminox therefore when used in conjunction with other
-Geminox products some
slight alterations to the electrical installation may have to be made.
Important Notice
When the system installed is “Unvented” controlling the zone valve by way of the cylinder and
overheat thermostats, follow the steps on page 9. In this instance the zone valve is called the
“Safety shut off zone valve”. The valve is supplied with the unvented kit and must be installed.