MU-A-RectiRail DL2-rev01a-Gb
/ 44
RectiRail DL2
is a measurement device
avoid all impacts on the rule
(falling, miscellaneous impacts, etc.).
Also avoid impacts on the supporting parts and side stops.
Likewise, leave the rule to settle in event of sudden changes in temperature or
dampness (moving from heated premises to the outside, etc.). As a rule, avoid all
thermal and hygrometric shocks.
Carefully wipe and dry the
RectiRail DL2
once it is returned to dry conditions, if it has
been exposed to rain or damp.
The contact stops and holding magnets must be kept clean: remove any accumulation
of grease and dust on these parts.
Regularly check the protection condition and cleanliness of the measurement area. If
necessary, wipe with a clean, non-abrasive cloth (do not use solvents).
Presence of foreign bodies, water (droplets, etc.) or grease on the measured surface
may affect the result. Wipe the part before starting to measure.
To guarantee measurement accuracy, calibrations must be performed regularly
(frequency depends on use) and at least once a year using a calibration kit.
When not used, store the rule in its transport case and in a dry, temperate place.
As the 2 stops on the RectiRail DL2 are connected by an electric wire, there must be
no voltage difference between the 2 stops on the rail. Caution must thus be paid to the
insulating joints.
Insulating joints will not be measured correctly. Only the conductive parts on each side
will be measured if they are in contact with the stops.