Remote Channel 1:
1 2
Remote Channel 2:
1 2
Remote Channel 3:
1 2
Remote Channel 4:
1 2
How to Resolve IR Code Confl icts
In the event that IR commands from other remote controls confl ict with the
supplied RMT-SR-IR remote control, changing the remote channel will alleviate
this issue. The RMT-SR-IR remote control has DIP SWITCHES for confi guring
the remote channel. The High-Defi nition Scaler must match the remote channel
set in the RMT-SR-IR remote control. Please see page 9 for instruction on how
to confi gure the channel on the High-Defi nition Scaler. By default, both the High-
Defi nition Scaler and the RMT-SR-IR remote control are set to Channel 1.