Page 17 Edition I
Damage to the sensor for water temperature leaving the boiler
Damage to the sensor for water temperature returning to the boiler
Damage to the DHW temperature sensor
Overheating boiler
When the controller reports a sensor alarm, check that the sensors are properly installed and
connected only after disconnecting the controller from the power supply.
Temperature limiter (STB).
An additional independent temperature limiter (STB) can be connected to the GH07EB
controller, via terminals 15-16 (
p.6). This provides additional mechanical protection against
excessive temperature rises in the heating system. If the temperature limiter disconnects the
contacts due to rising temperature from the boiler, disconnect the electrode boiler from the power
The use of a limiter is an optional extra. When a temperature limiter is not used,
terminals 15-16 must not be used!
Return to normal operation occurs when the temperature drops to a value that allows the
further work of the heating system.
Some models of temperature limiters require manual reset before they are ready for
The controller distinguishes four alarms. For each alarm, a number is displayed, and an
audible signal sounds. In the case of simultaneous occurrence of several alarms, their
numbers are displayed cyclically. Exiting the alarm mode is only possible by pressing
The exception is alarm AL12 (overheating boiler) in which case the boiler automatically
exits alarm mode when the temperature falls below the value ‘F17’ – 4°C.
Types of alarm:
Liquid in the temperature limiter indicates a breakage or breach of the
capillary indicates a leakage, causing the limiter to malfunction.
In this case, remove the temperature limiter from the controller, and
install a new device.