Attack 10 dB/S to 500 dB/S
This adjusts how fast the AGC will increase the gain.
Release 30.0 dB/S to 1 dB/S
This adjusts how fast the AGC will reduce the gain.
Target (Targ) 0 to 20 dB
The Target parameter defines where you would like the average level of
the AGC output to be. If the average level of the signal rises above the
Target, the gain will be reduced. For signals with an average level below
the Target, the gain will be increased.
Window 1 dB to 10dB
This adjusts the amount of variation in the output
Max Gain 1 dB to 20dB
This adjusts the maximum amount of gain that can be added by the AGC.
Low Threshold -60 dB to -30dB
The Low Threshold sets a lower limit to the AGC. This prevents the AGC
from adding gain to low level signals or noise.