Never activate an action in the printer dri-
ver at the end of a job. This can cause a
loss of data.
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 413 -V4 .0 Eas y-L oad ing The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 52( -60 )
In te rf ac es • U S B
1 1
7.4 USB
The GPT -4352 with USB meets the USB specification
V1.1 for full-speed devices. The printer is compatible to
USB V2.0 bus systems. The USB device class is equi-
valent to a "V endor Specific Device". Ther efor e, trans-
mission can be done with virtual COM port drivers.
The printer will operate like a serial printer . The virtual
COM port drivers ar e available for the operating sys-
tems Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000, and XP , and pos-
sibly WinCE fr om the thir d quarter of 2004. For Linux
V2.40 and up, ther e is a dir ect Ker nel support. Ther efo-
r e, a driver is not r equir ed. Standar d GeBE printer dri-
vers can be used.
If a sleep mode has been selected for the printer , it will
switch to sleep mode after the pr eset time period has
passed. The USB interface, however , r emains active,
being dir ectly fed fr om the USB bus. A new print job
with the standar d driver r eactivates the printer without
any loss of data. The USB suspend mode also has the
printer inter nal USB interface tur ned of f. In this mode,
the printer will "go to sleep" after the pr eset sleep time.
USB Driver
Windows 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP
Windows and USB drivers can be found on the GeBE
website. Please r ead the included installation instructi-
ons. Befor e the initial operation, the matching virtual
COM port driver (VCP driver) and the printter driver
have to be installed.
Setting the VCP Driver
The example shows the setting with Windows 2000.
The pr ocedur e is very similar with XP or Windows 98.
Starting with the Windows "ST AR T" menu, select "Con-
tr ol Panel" -> and click on the "System" folder .
Select the "Har dwar e" tab), and click on "Device Mana-
Ther e, activate the "+" symbol under "Connections
(COMand LPT)", and look for the entry
"USB Serial Port (COMx)".
Open it and click on "Port Settings", in or der to have
the settings of the virtual COM port displayed.
It is r ecommended to use the settings of the virtual
COM port accor ding to the settings of the printer::
115,200, n, 8, 1, XON/XOFF .
If the printer is not operated in step mode, "Har dwar e
Flow Contr ol" is r ecommended.
Click on "Advanced" to see the extended settings.
Please make sur e that the settings shown below have
been carried out.
For Windows 2000 and XP
For Windows 98 and ME
USB Spe cific atio n
Dev ice type
Spe ed
Pow er con sum ptio n prin ter
V1.1 ( V2.0 com pati ble)
Ven dor spe cific dev ice
Ful l spe ed
no prin ting
USB acti ve /prin ter acti ve
USB acti ve /prin ter slee p
USB sus pen d / prin ter slee p
min .
Typ .
30 mA
25 mA
300 µA
ma x.