1 8
Ge BE E + F Gm bH • ww w .oe m- pri nte r .co m • Ge BE Do k.N r .: SM AN -E- 413 -V4 .0 Eas y-L oad ing The rm al Pri nte r GPT -43 52( -60 )
B at ch Fi le s
12 B at ch Fi le s
Almost all commands that the printer can r eceive
thr ough the interfaces and then perform can be put into
the batch files. When a batch file is pr ocessed, the com-
mands it contains ar e added to the data str eam of the
print pr ogram sequentially , as if they wer e coming
thr ough the interface fr om outside. This way , all settings
that can be done by command can be pr ocessed via
batch file. Besides settings commands, batch files can
also contain text and graphics.
The file structur e consists of one TINIT , which is pr oces-
sed with each system boot-up, as well as 10 files that
can be used fr eely , which ar e r etrieved by command.
Some of these files can be addr essed thr ough additional
events. If the contr oller has an EEPROM, it contains a
file structur e that is identical to that of the pr ogram me-
mory (Flash).
When a filed is r etrieved, the printer will check, if it con-
tains data in the EEPROM. If it does not, the file will be
pr ocessed in the Flash. This allows Flash files to be
over -written.
The following batch files ar e accessable:
Allocated in the Flash Memory , Factory Settings:
• "TINIT" ... settings after har dwar e RESET
• "T0 " ..... self test thr ough FEED key after r eset
• "T1 " ..... form feed thr ough NEXT key <1 sec.
• "T2 " ..... power -of f thr ough OFF key >3 sec.
• "T3 - T9" : unused
T ext or Graphics, Batch Files in the EEPROM
For the printing of text and graphics, the GPT -4352 has
an 8 KB EEPROM (app. 6 KB can be used for logos),
and the GPT -4352 has a 32 KB EEPROM (app. 30 KB
can be used for logos).
It is r ecommended to stor e logos PCL compr essed.
By using the Windows driver , compr ession rates of app.
3 - 4:1 can be achieved.
For comparison: Uncompr essed full graphics of 5 cm
length take up 20 KB, while they only r equir e app. 5,7KB
when compr essed.
Configuration of the Printer with TMenu and TINIT
After a har dwar e RESET (connecting the power supply),
the printer will check for a pr escribed TMenu and/or
TINIT in the EEPROM. If it finds one or both, it will pr o-
cess the batch file commands and will then be r eady for
operation. If not, it will pr ocess the TMenu and/or the
TINIT containing the factory settings in the Flash.
The OPD-Menue
is a printer function that allows the
user to edit the TMenu in the EEPROM. The TMenu can
only be changed thr ough the OPD Menu.
Structur e of the TMenu:
{power consumption}
<ESC>]<DEZ115><DEZ4 0
{baud rate, settings}
{power -down time}
{text orientation}
{text size}
{text spacing}
{print width}
The TINIT is always processed subseque nt to the TMe-
nu. In the TINIT , other presets that were not incorpor ated
in the menu can be executed. It also allows settings to be
blocked in the menu by repeatin g them here.
The followin g TINIT file is an example of a file that can be
modified by the user .
It is availabl e for downloa ding from the Internet at the
URL: www .oem-pri nter .com/flash .
The file will erase the TINIT , while printing out all actions
in italic at the same time.
Any command s can be entered in the TINIT .
Erase Tinit ...
Special number S-xxx / Status 24nov03
Program tinit with GE-xxxx...
<ESC>s@PROG<00h><11 h>
<ESC>r1<28h><3Ch><01 h><12h> {char ging parame-
<A9h><01h><3Ch><01h> <40h>
<19h><01h><85h><0Ah> <8Ch>
All programmed!
If a command of the TMenu is r epeated in the
TINIT , this value can no longer be changed
thr ough the menu.
By using these files in the EEPROM you ar e
changing the standar d factory settings
Creating and Saving Logos:
A special printer driver is available for cr ea-
ting logos.