(Scan Assist Pro – cont.)
6. Continue until all steps are completed.
Tip: To stop or pause protocol, press protocol button on keyboard or press
buttons on touch panel under Scan Assist Pro tab. To skip a step or move
to a certain step, use the up/down arrow keys or the trackball and pointer.
7. After completion, done will appear near protocol name above steps.
8. Select Protocol button, and select “OK”
Scan Assist Pro
(Scan Assist Pro – cont.)
Creating a Protocol
1. Select
Protocol button on keyboard
2. Select
Config from Scan Assist tab
3. Select an existing protocol you would like to begin with to edit from the
left side of screen
4. Select edit, Scan Assist Creator will open
5. Select “new” tab for a blank protocol to begin
6. Enter step name in Step Name field and enter