Table 14: Tripping sensors for sensor test
To trip device
Door/window sensor
Open the secured door or window.
Freeze sensor
Apply ice to the sensor. Do not allow the sensor to get wet.
Water sensor
Press a wet rag or wet finger over both of the round, gold-plated
terminals on the underside of the sensor.
Carbon monoxide sensor
Unplug the CO alarm. Plug it back in and press the test/reset button
until the unit beeps eight times.
Glassbreak sensor
Trip with appropriate glassbreak tester.
Motion sensor
Avoid the motion sensor’s view for 5 minutes, and then enter its view.
Shock sensor
Tap the glass twice, away from the sensor. Wait at least 30 seconds
before testing again.
Smoke sensor
Press and hold the test button until the system sounds transmission
Wireless panic button
Press and hold the appropriate button for 3 seconds.
Key fob
Press and hold Lock and Unlock simultaneously for 3 seconds.
Simon XT talking touch screen Press and hold the Emergency button for 5 seconds.
Simon XT talking touchpad
Press and hold the two Emergency buttons simultaneously for 3
Remote handheld touchpad
Press and hold the two Emergency buttons simultaneously for 3
Communication test
Test communication between your system and the central monitoring station or a
voice report destination at least once a week to make sure you have the proper
telephone connection.
The system must be in disarm mode.
To perform a communication test:
1. Scroll until the display shows
System Tests
, and then press OK.
The display shows
Enter Code
2. Enter your master code, and then press OK.
The display shows
Comm Test
3. Press OK.
The display shows
Comm Test is On
After the communication test is successful, the display shows
Comm Test OK
Simon XT V2 User Manual