The sections below describe the options that you can program in the System
Programming menu.
Access codes
There are three types of access codes:
Master code.
The master code is your most powerful code and can be used for all
user operations including programming. The initial value of the master code is
123, 1234, 12345, or 123456, depending on the installer-programmed access
code length.
User codes 1 to 8.
There are eight user codes, which can be used for many user
operations, but not subdisarming, programming, or bypassing sensors. Initially, all
user codes are blank. A user code can be deleted by pressing Disarm while the
code is being changed.
Duress code.
The duress code, when used in place of another user code,
generates a silent duress alarm that is reported to the central monitoring station.
Initially, the duress code is blank. The duress code can be deleted by pressing
Disarm while the code is being changed.
To change the master code:
1. Enter the System Programming menu.
2. Scroll until the display shows
Access Codes
, and then press OK.
3. Scroll until the display shows
Master Code
, and then press OK.
The current value of the code flashes.
4. Enter a new code (use the correct length), and then press OK.
5. Press Status repeatedly to exit.
To change the a user code:
1. Enter the System Programming menu.
2. Scroll until the display shows
Access Codes
, and then press OK.
3. Scroll to the user code you want to change, and then press OK.
The current value of the code flashes.
4. Enter a new code (use the correct length), and then press OK.
5. Press Status repeatedly to exit.
To change the duress code:
1. Enter the System Programming menu.
2. Scroll until the display shows
Access Codes
, and then press OK.
Simon XT V2 User Manual