6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specifications
6.1 Magnet Fringe Field
are the fringe field plots for the 1.5T LCC RD
Magnet. These plots illustrate the three-dimensional area of magnetic field without the influence
of any nearby ferrous objects or the earth's ambient magnetic field. Actual magnetic field
intensity at given locations will vary from these plots due to the following effects:
Ferrous materials used in building construction which will become permanently magnetized
when in close proximity to the MR generated magnetic field.
Earth's magnetic field - about 0.5 gauss in strength and unidirectional.
Therefore, these plots are only approximations of actual field intensities found at points
surrounding the magnet. These plots should be used as an aid in reviewing the location of MR
and hospital equipment and services (i.e. elevators, vehicular traffic, computer monitors, etc.).
Refer to Proximity Limits for the sensitivities of various equipment within the magnetic field.
Potential Exists Under fault conditions that the 5 gauss line may expand to 19.86 ft (6.0m)
Radially and 24.60ft (7.5m) axially for 2 seconds or less.
SIGNA Voyager Pre-Installation
Direction 5680008–1EN, Revision 2
6 MR Suite Magnetic Field Specifications